Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rain (or Homesick)

When the clouds hang low and it rains, I'm reminded of home. The horizon is vastly different and the smells are as well, yet, there is something about rain that can almost take me back home.

Gods, I wish that were possible.

I mean no offense toward you and your modern times, but it's overwhelming to me. I walk around in it and try to understand but it has so far been beyond my grasp.

I am fascinated by the box called TV. The History channel in particular.

At least Jen has began work on my story again. When it is done, maybe, just maybe, I can return home. Though I won't hold my breath on it. I will eventually learn and adjust.

A seirc.


GeminiWisdom said...

Just take your cues from Kiernan, Devon and you'll be just fine. I see my girls have introduced themselves. Wonderful, wonderful. Now you won't be alone. Welcome to our world, Devon.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Devon,

Hey, "Mom" (waving to Gemini Wisdom). Skylar and I came right over the minute we heard about Devon's arrival. Don't worry,the homesickness goes away eventually. Well, okay, for me it was more like a faint stinging sensation. But I'm back now, on the island of my birth, and it's great.

I can't wait to hear about YOUR home.

Devon said...

Tapadh, geminiwisdom. Though if I were to take cues from Kiernan, I may well stay hidden for a while as Jen works on the story. She wants me "out and about" sooner than he was. Why, I cannot begin to guess.

Mattie, do you think 'tis possible for it to fade when I am displaced not only from my home land but also from time? In a way, I both hope so and hope not.

A seirc.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Devon,

Wow. I hadn't thought of that. Here's what I think: you'll never forget. You'll yearn for certain things, but you will never forget. You'll notice that the two worlds are alike (war, hate ,etc), but I truly think you'll enjoy being here, Devon. Especially once you have some companionship.