Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm Getting Impatient

Nothing has been done on my story this week.


I realize I should be patient, but I'm getting quite impatient. I can't fault Jen, yet... I do.

A week ago, she slept on this thing she called a futon and it bothered her back. Since then, she has sat at the desk only long enough to do her work for the day. And that is with frequent breaks.

I know she hurts. I know she is not comfortable. But I don't want her to forget me or my story. I think she has been working on it in her head, though. At least, that's what she says.

She named my story "Devon's Wish" but, at first, when I asked her, she couldn't say what the wish was. Now she knows. And I agree. It is something I will wish with my entire being when we are finally able to get to that point.

Her back is tightening up again. I can tell by the way she sits and the look on her face. If I don't make her go lie down, it will get worse to the point she will be near tears when she tries to stand.

I don't understand this time I find myself in. In my time, at home, you wouldn't do purposely something that would cause you so much discomfort. Aye, it happened but it was in a day's work and we didn't try to fight our bodies to keep going when we knew we should do what it took to recover.

Personally, it is my belief that if she isn't better by Monday, she needs to go see her healer. Ah, pardon, doctor. It's unfortunate she can't go tomorrow.

A seirc.


thewriterslife said...

Hey Devon, ask Jen if she's tried Aleve. Nothing will touch my back ache like Aleve. Not anything. I was in an accident a long time ago and if I lift something the wrong way, pow, the back is out and I'm doing the same thing Jen is doing. I tried Aleve quite by accident and was just utterly shocked at how well it worked. Tell her I hope she feels better so that she can continue with your story!

Devon said...

My thanks, Dorothy. When I passed along your advice to Jen, she said she is taking something she called Naproxen. From my understanding, 'tis much the same as this Aleve you suggested.

A seirc.